Information hub
The Unitemps Information Hub is a valuable resource for candidates and clients, offering guidance on timesheets, payroll, tax, visas, working restrictions, and more.
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Information hub
Eligibility to work in the UK
Before a temporary worker begins an assignment it is essential they have registered on our website and have visited the Unitemps branch that they will be working through to establish their eligibility to work in the UK. It is essential that this check is completed before the candidate starts work. Guidance for the temporary worker on what documents they need to bring can be found by visiting the Candidate section on the information hub. If you are uncertain whether one of your temporary workers has completed this process then please contact your Unitemps consultant who will be happy to help you.
In some cases a temporary worker may have restrictions on their work due to their visa. If this is the case then it is important not to allow the temp to work in breach of these restrictions. For Student visa holders this will normally restrict them to either 10 or 20 hours per week depending on their visa type. Always check with your Unitemps consultant beforehand if a Student visa holder has requested to work more than this outside of term time as the rules can vary for different degree levels. You can check whether any of your temps have any working restrictions by selecting “My temps” in your dashboard menu. Unitemps can provide further guidance on the restrictions on each temp if needed.
International workers may be working under temporary visas and be required to have document rechecks. In this case Unitemps will inform you of this in the weeks before their eligibility to work expires to ensure that no further work is done until after new documentation has been supplied.
Agency Workers in Great Britain have the right to ‘equal treatment’ to permanent staff in certain areas of their employment. These regulations apply to most positions filled by Unitemps. However, some internal vacancies with universities may be exempt.
Employment rights from day 1
An agency worker will be entitled to access the same facilities and information on job vacancies as comparable permanent employees (e.g. staff canteen, car parking and child care facilities).
Employment rights after 12 weeks
After completing 12 weeks of work with no gaps in employment of over 6 weeks the temporary agency worker would be entitled to equivalent working and employment conditions as that of a comparable employee in certain areas. These are;
- Key elements of pay (this includes basic pay, overtime rates and bonus or commission payments directly linked to the quantity or quality of work)
- Annual leave
- Night work
- Rest periods and breaks
What is a comparable employee?
A comparable employee is someone that is already working in full time employment for the hirer. The comparable employee will be engaged in doing the same or broadly similar work at a similar level of experience.
If you do not have a suitable comparable employee then the restriction is that the agency worker must be entitled to any of the benefits listed above that would have been given to them if they were starting the role on a permanent basis with the company. For example if, as an employer, you give all permanent employees 6 weeks paid annual leave and paid time off for bank and public holidays, the agency worker, post 12 weeks, should be entitled to the same treatment.
The Working Time Regulations restrict the average working hours for workers and place restrictions on rest breaks and annual leave. These restrictions are more stringent for workers under the age of 18 (see guidance on young workers).
Maximum working hours
Under the Working Time Directive, the average working week for a worker must not exceed 48 hours per week. This average is calculated across a 17 week reference period (which excludes periods of annual leave or time off due to illness) and includes:
- Job-related training
- Time spent travelling for workers who have to travel as part of their job
- Working lunches
- Time spent working abroad in some cases
- Paid and some unpaid overtime
- Time spent on call at the workplace
However, the following periods are not included in this average:
- Breaks when no work is done (for example lunch breaks)
- Normal travel to and from work
- Time on call away from the workplace
- Unpaid overtime a worker has volunteered for
- Paid or unpaid holiday
Workers aged 18 and over can opt out of these restrictions with Unitemps if they wish to. An employer is not permitted to discriminate against a worker if they do not wish to opt out.
Rest breaks
Workers are legally entitled to a:
- Rest break of 20 minutes when the working day is longer than 6 hours
- Minimum rest period of 11 consecutive hours every 24 hour period
- Minimum rest period of 24 consecutive hours every 7 days
Night work
Workers must not average more than 8 hours of night work in any 24 hour period.
Young workers (16 & 17 year-olds who are above ‘school leaving age’)
Young workers are under 18 but over school leaving age and are legally required to follow strict restrictions on their working hours and rest breaks. In England compulsory school age ends on the school leaving date (i.e. end of the school summer term) in the school year when an individual reaches the age of 16. The school leaving age is different in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. There are extensive restrictions on when and for how long a young worker can work. These include:
- A young worker must not work more than 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week (this is assessed on a week-by-week basis and cannot be averaged over several weeks)
- If the work lasts for more than 4.5 hours, a young worker must have a rest break of at least 30 minutes
- A young worker must have an uninterrupted rest period of at least 12 hours in each 24 hour period
- Each week, a young worker must have at least two consecutive days off
- A young worker cannot work between 10pm and 6am
Unlike with the Working Time Regulations for adult workers, young workers cannot opt out of these restrictions.
School-age workers (13 – 16 year-olds)
There are extensive restrictions on the working hours of school age workers. Regulations can vary between different authorities and often require an employer to obtain a permit before any work begins. Many local authorities will not permit a child to begin work until they reach 14. Because of this it is important to consult with Unitemps if a school-age worker is being employed. The law permits children to work:
- For a maximum of 2 hours on any school day only one of which may be before the start of school
- For a maximum of 2 hours on any Sunday
- For a maximum of 12 hours per week in term time
- If aged under 15; for a maximum of 5 hours on any Saturday or on weekdays during school holidays subject to a weekly maximum of 25 hours in the school holidays
- If aged 15 or over; for a maximum of 8 hours on any Saturday or on weekdays during school holidays subject to a weekly maximum of 35 hours in the school holidays
But they may not work:
- For more than one hour before school
- During school hours
- Before 7.00am or after 19.00pm
- For more than 4 hours in any day without a rest break of at least one hour
- Without having, each year, a break of at least two consecutive weeks during the school holidays.
- In any industrial undertaking such as a factory or building site.
- In television, theatre or other forms of performance or modelling without a performance licence issued by the local authority
- Without an employment permit issued by the local authority (which will specify any further restrictions). Please be aware that an application for this employment permit must be done by your Unitemps branch and it can take several months before the candidate is able to start work depending on the steps required by the local authority.
Risk assessments
Before employing a young person, a health and safety risk assessment should be undertaken relating to the type of work they will be doing and the location in which they will be working. The risk assessment should be reviewed whenever a change to that working environment is proposed. Generally the risk assessment should take into account the relative inexperience of young workers, their possible lack of awareness of dangers and potential immaturity, and should consider whether it is appropriate to prohibit young workers completely from certain work activities, for example using particular equipment.
Supervision and induction
When a young person starts work, they are likely to need extra supervision. Staff must ensure that they:
- Clearly understand who will be responsible for them during any particular shift
- Are given the appropriate information and training on any hazards and risks
- Understand any precautions they may have to take, have been provided with any necessary protective clothing or equipment and are supervised closely to ensure it is used
- Understand what they need to do to ensure their own health and safety and that of other workers
Some young people may lack the confidence to voice any concerns they may have, so it is important they are made aware of the procedures for doing so. If there is a local safety representative, young workers should be made aware of how to contact them during their induction.
If one of your temps is absent due to sickness or illness, then they may be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay provided that they meet the relevant statutory criteria. Please note that Statutory Sick Pay is not payable for the first 3 days of the period of absence.
If they wish to claim SSP they will be expected to complete a Self-Certification Form to cover the first 7 days of absence (including non-working days) and thereafter they will need to supply a Statement of Fitness to Work from their General Practitioner or other authorised medical professional (e.g. consultant). These forms should be sent to their local Unitemps office.
Unitemps health and safety policy
Unitemps is committed to securing a safe and healthy workplace and working environment for its temporary workers. The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 places a responsibility on employers and workers to protect the health and safety of themselves and others when carrying out any work activity.
Unitemps will ensure that any clients it works with
- Hold the necessary public liability insurance
- Has the appropriate licenses, permits and consents for the work being done
- Understands its responsibilities for compliance with all relevant health and safety legislation
- Has health and safety policy and procedures that cover temporary workers
- Takes all reasonable steps to ensure the health and safety of temporary workers
Before placing a worker on an assignment, Unitemps will request the hiring manager to:
- Confirm what information, training or safety equipment is required for the role, for example an assignment in a scientific laboratory may require training on dealing with hazardous materials
At the start of an assignment, the hiring manager must:
- Provide the client’s health and safety policy and procedures to the worker, for example via a document or access to the staff intranet
- Brief and induct the worker about safe working procedures in the role
- Provide any required safety clothing and equipment
- Brief the worker on fire safety, including the location of fire exits and evacuation points and how to raise the alarm
- Explain how to report an incident, accident, near miss or concern
- Provide contact details for first aiders
- Advise on the location of the first aid box
Unitemps provides all its workers with guidance on:
- The worker’s responsibilities to comply with the client’s health and safety policy and procedures
- How to report incidents to Unitemps
Health and Safety for Young Workers
Before placing a young worker in an assignment, Unitemps will ensure that a health and safety risk assessment is undertaken by the client relating to the type of work they will be doing and the location in which they will be working. The risk assessment should be reviewed whenever a change to that working environment is proposed. Generally the risk assessment should take into account the relative inexperience of young workers, their possible lack of awareness of dangers and potential immaturity, and should consider whether it is appropriate to prohibit young workers completely from certain work activities, for example using particular equipment.
When a young person starts work, they are likely to need extra supervision. Staff must ensure that they:
- Clearly understand who will be responsible for them during any particular shift
- Are given the appropriate information and training on any hazards and risks
- Understand any precautions they may have to take, have been provided with any necessary protective clothing or equipment and are supervised closely to ensure it is used
- Understand what they need to do to ensure their own health and safety and that of other workers
- Some young people may lack the confidence to voice any concerns they may have, so it is important they are made aware of the procedures for doing so. If there is a local safety representative, young workers should be made aware of how to contact them during their induction.
Reporting incidents
In the event of an incident during an assignment, the temporary worker must:
- Report the issue to the client in accordance with the client’s procedure
- Complete a Unitemps incident report form.
Unitemps will review the incident form and if necessary pursue the matter with the client.
Unitemps is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and embracing diversity in all areas of the business. It aims to ensure that all its workplaces and services are free from unlawful discrimination and harassment.
As a signatory to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation Diversity Pledge, Unitemps embraces diversity and seeks to promote the benefits of diversity in its business activities. The culture of the business reflects this pledge.
Protected Characteristics and Discrimination
Unitemps seeks to treat everyone fairly and ensure that it does not directly or indirectly discriminate (see below) on the basis of any protected characteristics, defined under the Equality Act 2010 as:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
Unitemps will also not discriminate on the basis of:
- Nationality
- Political beliefs
- Membership or non-membership of a trade union
- Spent criminal convictions
Unitemps seeks to ensure that its recruitment and selection activities avoid unlawful or unfair discrimination. It will not:
- Accept instructions from clients that indicate an intention to discriminate unlawfully
- Discriminate unlawfully when advertising jobs, by ensuring that staff are trained to recognise potential discriminatory adverts and that they advise clients of more appropriate wording
- Discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate or temporary worker is submitted for an assignment, by ensuring that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with their merits, qualifications and ability to perform the required duties
- Discriminate unlawfully in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary workers
- Refuse or deliberately omit to provide services to certain groups of people with protected characteristics
Unitemps recognises that some groups and individuals may experience disadvantage and believes that as an employer and as a service provider, it has a role to play in tackling disadvantage. The company supports clients that wish to take positive action in recruitment and supports disabled candidates who require reasonable adjustments to enable them to apply for jobs and take up assignments.
Unitemps aspires to have a diverse workforce which broadly reflects the composition of the community, recognising that within its staff and clients, there are differences in needs, culture, background, preferences and values. These differences are welcomed for the richness of views, perceptions and experiences they bring to the business, from which everyone can learn. Unitemps is therefore committed to flexibility in its practices to encourage inclusion and support diversity.
Timesheets, payroll and invoicing
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Approval Deadline (3pm) | Pay Date |
September 2024 | 13/09/2024 | 16/09/2024 | 27/09/2024 |
October 2024 | 11/10/2024 | 14/10/2024 | 28/10/2024 |
November 2024 | 15/11/2024 | 18/11/2024 | 28/11/2024 |
December 2024 | 06/12/2024 | 09/12/2024 | 20/12/2024 |
January 2025 | 10/01/2025 | 13/01/2025 | 28/01/2025 |
February 2025 | 14/02/2025 | 17/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March 2025 | 14/03/2025 | 17/03/2025 | 28/03/2025 |
April 2025 | 11/04/2025 | 14/04/2025 | 28/04/2025 |
May 2025 | 09/05/2025 | 12/05/2025 | 28/05/2025 |
June 2025 | 13/06/2025 | 16/06/2025 | 27/06/2025 |
July 2025 | 11/07/2025 | 14/07/2025 | 28/07/2025 |
August 2025 | 15/08/2025 | 18/08/2025 | 28/08/2025 |
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
Jan-25 | 08-Jan-25 | 24-Jan-25 |
Feb-25 | 17-Feb-25 | 28-Feb-25 |
Mar-25 | 13-Mar-25 | 31-Mar-25 |
Apr-25 | 15-Apr-25 | 30-Apr-25 |
May-25 | 20-May-25 | 30-May-25 |
Jun-25 | 19-Jun-25 | 30-Jun-25 |
Jul-25 | 21-Jul-25 | 31-Jul-25 |
Aug-25 | 19-Aug-25 | 29-Aug-25 |
Sep-25 | 18-Sep-25 | 30-Sep-25 |
Oct-25 | 16-Oct-25 | 31-Oct-25 |
Nov-25 | 17-Nov-25 | 28-Nov-25 |
Dec-25 | 10-Dec-25 | TBD |
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
September 2024 | Fri 13th Sept | Thurs 26th Sept |
October 2024 | Fri 11th Oct | Fri 25th Oct |
November 2024 | Fri 15th Nov | Tues 26th Nov |
December 2024 | Fri 6th Dec | Thurs 19th Dec |
January 2025 | Fri 10th Jan | Fri 24th Jan |
February 2025 | Fri 14th Feb | Wed 26th Feb |
March 2025 | Fri 14th Mar | Wed 26th Mar |
April 2025 | Fri 11th Apr | Fri 25th Apr |
May 2025 | Fri 9th May | Fri 23rd May |
June 2025 | Fri 13th Jun | Thurs 26th Jun |
July 2025 | Fri 11th Jul | Fri 25th Jul |
August 2025 | Fri 15th Aug | Tues 26th Aug |
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
Month | Timesheet Deadline (midnight) | Approval Deadline (midday) | Pay Date |
January | 13/01/2025 | 14/01/2025 | 30/01/20245 |
February | 10/02/2025 | 11/02/2025 | 27/02/2025 |
March | 10/03/2025 | 11/03/2025 | 28/03/2025 |
April | 07/04/2025 | 08/04/2025 | 29/04/2025 |
May | 12/05/2025 | 13/05/2025 | 29/05/2025 |
June | TBC | TBC | TBC |
July | TBC | TBC | TBC |
August | TBC | TBC | TBC |
September | TBC | TBC | TBC |
October | TBC | TBC | TBC |
November | TBC | TBC | TBC |
December | TBC | TBC | TBC |
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
Month | Timesheet Authorisation Deadline | Pay Date |
March 2025 | Wednesday 19th March | Monday 31st March |
April 2025 | Monday 14th April | Wednesday 30th April |
May 2025 | Monday 12th May | Friday 30th May |
June 2025 | Monday 16th June | Monday 30th June |
July 2025 | Monday 14th July | Thurday 31st July |
August 2025 | Monday 18th August | Friday 29th August |
September 2025 | Monday 15th September | Tuesday 30th September |
October 2025 | Monday 13th October | Friday 31st October |
November 2025 | Monday 17th November | Friday 28th November |
December 2025 | Monday 15th December | Wednesday 31st December |
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
Month | Weeks Covered | Number of Weeks | Payroll cut off | Pay day (last working day of month) |
January | 25/11/24 – 29/12/24 | 5 | 17/01/25 | 31/01/25 |
February | 30/12/24 – 26/01/25 | 4 | 17/02/25 | 28/02/25 |
March | 27/01/25 – 23/02/25 | 4 | 14/03/25 | 31/03/25 |
April | 24/02/25 – 23/03/25 | 4 | 18/04/25 | 30/04/25 |
May | 24/03/25 – 27/04/25 | 5 | 16/05/25 | 30/05/25 |
June | 28/04/25 – 01/06/25 | 5 | 16/06/25 | 30/06/25 |
July | 02/06/25 – 29/06/25 | 4 | 18/07/25 | 31/07/25 |
August | 30/06/25 – 27/07/25 | 4 | 15/08/25 | 29/08/25 |
September | 28/07/25 – 31/08/25 | 5 | 17/09/25 | 30/09/25 |
October | 01/09/25 – 28/09/25 | 4 | 17/10/25 | 31/10/25 |
November | 29/09/25 – 26/10/25 | 4 | 14/11/25 | 28/11/25 |
December | 27/10/25 – 23/11/25 | 4 | TBC | TBC |
See how to process a timesheet by watching the video below:
How do I reset my PIN number?
1. If you have forgotten your PIN number and are required to reset it, please login to your Unitemps account.
2. Once logged in, you will see your name in the top right corner of the webpage.
3. Click on your name, and you will see a drop down list appear.
4. Select ‘Reset PIN’ and a new PIN number will be emailed to you.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Unitemps is committed to providing all of its customers with the best possible service at all times. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service we would like to hear from you as this will help us to improve our standards. If your complaint is related to a harassment or data protection issue then you should follow the complaints procedure in these policies:
Harassment Policy and Procedure
The majority of complaints about Unitemps’ services will be made informally to the relevant branch and will be immediately resolved to the individual’s satisfaction. On rare occasions, a complaint may be so complex or serious that it cannot be quickly resolved at local level. In these cases the formal complaints procedure applies. Where possible we will endeavour to respond within the timescales given below.
Formal complaints procedure
If your complaint has not been resolved informally please contact your local branch, your complaint will then follow the procedure below:
Stage 1
- Within 2 working days: The relevant Unitemps branch will log your complaint and send you an email acknowledgement confirming the details, and explaining what happens next.
- A manager carries out an investigation or refers the matter to the most appropriate person to deal with the complaint.
- A manager or the most appropriate person may meet with you if necessary to discuss the complaint further.
- Within 5 working days from the start of the investigation or meeting: A manager or the most appropriate person will email you a full written response to your complaint.
Stage 2
- If you are not satisfied, you can write to us again and your complaint will be escalated to a senior manager and highlighted to Head Office.
- The senior manager will review all the case material.
- Within 5 working days: The senior manager will email you confirming our final position on the complaint, explaining our reasons, and copying in the relevant branch manager.
Stage 3
- If you are still dissatisfied and the matter concerns the conduct of the business, Unitemps will advise you to contact the Employment Agencies Standards Office at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
If we have to change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Unitemps is committed to providing all of its customers with the best possible service at all times. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service we would like to hear from you as this will help us to improve our standards. If your complaint is related to a harassment or data protection issue then you should follow the complaints procedure in these policies:
Harassment Policy and Procedure
The majority of complaints about Unitemps’ services will be made informally to the relevant branch and will be immediately resolved to the individual’s satisfaction. On rare occasions, a complaint may be so complex or serious that it cannot be quickly resolved at local level. In these cases the formal complaints procedure applies. Where possible we will endeavour to respond within the timescales given below.
Formal complaints procedure
If your complaint has not been resolved informally please contact your local branch, your complaint will then follow the procedure below:
Stage 1
- Within 2 working days: The relevant Unitemps branch will log your complaint and send you an email acknowledgement confirming the details, and explaining what happens next.
- A manager carries out an investigation or refers the matter to the most appropriate person to deal with the complaint.
- A manager or the most appropriate person may meet with you if necessary to discuss the complaint further.
- Within 5 working days from the start of the investigation or meeting: A manager or the most appropriate person will email you a full written response to your complaint.
Stage 2
- If you are not satisfied, you can write to us again and your complaint will be escalated to a senior manager and highlighted to Head Office.
- The senior manager will review all the case material.
- Within 5 working days: The senior manager will email you confirming our final position on the complaint, explaining our reasons, and copying in the relevant branch manager.
Stage 3
- If you are still dissatisfied and the matter concerns the conduct of the business, Unitemps will advise you to contact the Employment Agencies Standards Office at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy or the REC, the industry trade association, of which Unitemps Head Office is a member, by writing to the Consultancy and Compliance Team, REC, Dorset House, 1st Floor, 27 – 45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT.
If we have to change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Unitemps is committed to providing all of its customers with the best possible service at all times. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service we would like to hear from you as this will help us to improve our standards. If your complaint is related to a harassment or data protection issue then you should follow the complaints procedure in these policies:
Harassment Policy and Procedure
The majority of complaints about Unitemps’ services will be made informally to the relevant branch and will be immediately resolved to the individual’s satisfaction. On rare occasions, a complaint may be so complex or serious that it cannot be quickly resolved at local level. In these cases the formal complaints procedure applies. Where possible we will endeavour to respond within the timescales given below.
Formal complaints procedure
If your complaint has not been resolved informally please contact your local branch, your complaint will then follow the procedure below:
Stage 1
- Within 2 working days: The relevant Unitemps branch will log your complaint and send you an email acknowledgement confirming the details, and explaining what happens next.
- A manager carries out an investigation or refers the matter to the most appropriate person to deal with the complaint.
- A manager or the most appropriate person may meet with you if necessary to discuss the complaint further.
- Within 5 working days from the start of the investigation or meeting: A manager or the most appropriate person will email you a full written response to your complaint.
Stage 2
- If you are not satisfied, you can write to us again and your complaint will be escalated to a senior manager and highlighted to Head Office.
- The senior manager will review all the case material.
- Within 5 working days: The senior manager will email you confirming our final position on the complaint, explaining our reasons, and copying in the relevant branch manager.
Stage 3
- If you are still dissatisfied and the matter concerns the conduct of the business, Unitemps will advise you to contact the Employment Agencies Standards Office at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy or the REC, the industry trade association, of which Unitemps Head Office is a member, by writing to the Consultancy and Compliance Team, REC, Dorset House, 1st Floor, 27 – 45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT.
If we have to change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.
Unitemps Harassment Policy and Procedure
Unitemps is committed to securing a working environment for our temporary workers that is free from harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination. Unitemps expects clients to treat all temporary workers with dignity and respect and to take all steps in their control to prevent and deal with harassment in the workplace.
What is harassment?
The 2010 Equality Act defines harassment as “unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual”.
Harassment is unwanted, unsolicited or unwelcome behaviour or language that is offensive or intimidating to the recipient. In making judgements about harassment, it is the behaviour and its impact on the recipient, and not the intention of the perpetrator, that is important.
Examples of harassment
- Embarrassing, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, jokes or innuendo
- Unwelcome remarks about clothing or appearance
- Demands for sexual favours
- Electronic messages or electronic displays of sexually suggestive pictures and literature, including email
- Aggressive physical or verbal behaviour
- Persistent demeaning and downgrading through words or actions
- Inappropriate or derogatory remarks in connection with performance
- Bullying, defined as any offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour which, through the abuse or misuse of power, makes the recipient feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated and threatened (power includes both personal strength and the power to coerce others through fear or intimidation)
Dealing with harassment
Unitemps regards any incidents of harassment by, or against, its workers as unacceptable and will investigate and take appropriate action to resolve the situation. If the perpetrator is a Unitemps worker, he or she may have their assignment terminated and be removed from the Unitemps register. If the perpetrator is an employee of the client and the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, Unitemps may terminate the business relationship. If the Unitemps worker is the victim, clients are expected to promptly deal with the issue.
Informal procedure
Unitemps will encourage the victim to make it clear to the person causing offence that this behaviour is unacceptable to them. In some instances this may be sufficient to resolve the problem. However, if harassment persists after following this approach, or if such an approach is not possible or inappropriate (for example in cases of sexual harassment) the victim will be encouraged to record details of incidents and to make a formal complaint.
A Unitemps representative will offer to meet the victim to discuss the nature of the problem and the courses of action available. If the victim wishes to make a formal complaint, he or she should notify the Unitemps branch manager in writing, and a formal investigation will be launched.
Formal procedure
- Once a formal complaint has been received by Unitemps, an acknowledgement will be sent to the victim with the contact details of a nominated Unitemps representative, who will liaise with the victim during the investigation.
- If the harassment has occurred whilst the victim has been working for a Unitemps client, the branch manager will contact the client to ask that the complaint be fully investigated within a given timescale. Every effort will be made to deal with complaints with the minimum time delay.
- Each client will have its own harassment procedure and Unitemps would expect that procedure to be followed wherever practicable. Unitemps will seek to ensure that the investigation will be thorough, impartial and objective, and will be carried out with sensitivity and with due respect for the rights of all parties concerned.
- Unitemps will not expect the victim to continue in an assignment with a client whilst a case of harassment against them is being investigated. Wherever possible, Unitemps will continue to make alternative assignments available to the complainant.
- Unitemps will treat all parties with respect and all cases will be treated equally on the same basis regardless of job status or length of service.
- Once the investigation has been completed, any consequential action has been taken and the relevant Unitemps procedures have been followed, the Unitemps branch manager will send a formal response to the complainant.
Confidentiality is an important part of the procedures provided under this policy. Everyone involved in the operation of the policy, whether making a complaint or involved in any investigation, is responsible for observing the high level of confidentiality that is required.
City St George's Unitemps is a department based within the Student Support Hub on Level 1. Students and Graduates of City St George's can benefit from a vast number of free activities including; CV guidance, 121 career guidance, employer events and panels along with much, much more.
- When you work for Unitemps you will need to enter the hours you work onto timesheets via our website.
- See how to submit a timesheet by watching the video below:
- To submit saved timesheets, you will need to log in and visit the “Timesheets” section of your dashboard. You can use the filter to view all saved timesheets, and select the one that you would like to submit. Once you have opened the timesheet, scroll down and select “Submit”.
- Timesheets must be submitted weekly by midday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidnight on Sundaymidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on Monday9am on Mondaymidnight on Sundaymidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on MondayMidnightmidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on Mondaymidday on Monday for the previous week’s shifts so that your manager has time to authorise your timesheet.
- Monthly submissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmission submissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionapprovalsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmissionsubmission deadlines for BirminghamCCCUCity St George'sDMUGloucestershireHeriot-WattLJMUMiddlesexNTUStaffordshireUCLUCBEdinburghLeicesterNorthamptonNottinghamSalfordSurreyTeessideWarwick are listed below.
- You will be paid monthly into your nominated bank account on the last working day of the monththe last working day of the monththe last working day of the month25th of the month, unless this falls on a weekend, in which case you will be paid on the Friday beforethe 28th of the month. Should the 28th of the month fall on a weekend or a bank holiday, then candidates will be paid on the preceding working daythe last working day of the monththe last working day of the month25th of 28th of the month or, if the 28th falls on a weekend or a bank holiday, payment is made on the last working day before the 28ththe 22nd of each monththe dates belowthe last working day of the monththe last working day of the monthor before the 28th of each monththe last working day of the month25th of the month unless this falls on a weekend or bank holiday, in which case payment will be made on the nearest working day to the 25ththe penultimate working day of the monththe last working day of the monththe last working day of the monththe 26th of the monththe last working day of the month.
- Late timesheets will not be paid until the following month’s payroll so please contact Unitemps if you foresee any difficulties with timesheets not being submitted or authorised in time.
- Payslips will be available on our online payslip portal. Details on accessing the portal will be sent to you when you are set up on payroll.
- You will need to create an account on our online payslips portal to view your payslips, and here you will also be able to view other information such as your P45/P60s. You will receive an email from with detailed instructions to sign yourself up. The email will also contain unique codes required for the process. You’ll be able to set your own username and password, as well as enter security questions in case you forget your login details. Each period you will receive an email notification letting you know there is a new payslip for you to view online. You can change which email address you receive the notifications too. You can access your payslip at If you have an iOS or Android mobile device, you can download the ePayslips app to view your payslips on your phone. Just visit the App Store / Play Store and search for ePayslips.
- Payslips will be available on our online payslip portal. Details on accessing the portal will be sent to you when you are set up on payroll.
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
January | 13/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 10/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 10/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 14/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 12/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 16/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 14/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 11/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 15/09/2025 | 30/09/2025 |
October | 13/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 10/11/2025 | 19/11/2025 |
December | 08/12/2025 | 19/12/2025 |
Payroll for PAS and Disability Support Temps
Payment is made on the 24th of the month for our disability support workers. This should include all approved timesheets from the previous month. Please contact the office for further information.
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
November | 11/11/2024 | 29/11/2024 |
December | 09/12/2024 | 23/12/2024 |
January | 13/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 17/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 17/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 14/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 12/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 16/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 14/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 11/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 15/09/2025 | 30/09/2025 |
October | 13/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 17/11/2025 | 28/11/2025 |
December | 08/12/2025 | TBC |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
January | 12/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 09/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 09/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 06/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 11/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 08/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 06/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 10/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 07/09/2025 | 30/09/2025 |
October | 05/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 09/11/2025 | 28/11/2025 |
December | 30/12/2025 | 18/12/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Approval Deadline (10:00am) | Pay Date |
August | 04/08/2024 | 05/08/2024 | 23/08/2024 |
September | 01/09/2024 | 02/09/2024 | 25/09/2024 |
October | 06/10/2024 | 07/10/2024 | 25/10/2024 |
November | 03/11/2024 | 04/11/2024 | 25/11/2024 |
December | 01/12/2024 | 02/12/2024 | 20/12/2024 |
January | 05/01/2025 | 06/01/2025 | 24/01/2025 |
February | 02/02/2025 | 03/02/2025 | 25/02/2025 |
March | 02/03/2025 | 03/03/2025 | 25/03/2025 |
April | 06/04/2025 | 07/04/2025 | 25/04/2025 |
May | 05/05/2025 | 06/05/2025 | 23/05/2025 |
June | 01/06/2025 | 02/06/2025 | 25/06/2025 |
July | 06/07/2025 | 07/07/2025 | 25/07/2025 |
August | 03/08/2025 | 04/08/2025 | 22/08/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Approval Deadline (3pm) | Pay Date |
September 2024 | 13/09/2024 | 16/09/2024 | 27/09/2024 |
October 2024 | 11/10/2024 | 14/10/2024 | 28/10/2024 |
November 2024 | 15/11/2024 | 18/11/2024 | 28/11/2024 |
December 2024 | 06/12/2024 | 09/12/2024 | 20/12/2024 |
January 2025 | 10/01/2025 | 13/01/2025 | 28/01/2025 |
February 2025 | 14/02/2025 | 17/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March 2025 | 14/03/2025 | 17/03/2025 | 28/03/2025 |
April 2025 | 11/04/2025 | 14/04/2025 | 28/04/2025 |
May 2025 | 09/05/2025 | 12/05/2025 | 28/05/2025 |
June 2025 | 13/06/2025 | 16/06/2025 | 27/06/2025 |
July 2025 | 11/07/2025 | 14/07/2025 | 28/07/2025 |
August 2025 | 15/08/2025 | 18/08/2025 | 28/08/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
Jan-25 | 07-Jan-25 | 24-Jan-25 |
Feb-25 | 16-Feb-25 | 28-Feb-25 |
Mar-25 | 12-Mar-25 | 31-Mar-25 |
Apr-25 | 14-Apr-25 | 30-Apr-25 |
May-25 | 19-May-25 | 30-May-25 |
Jun-25 | 18-Jun-25 | 30-Jun-25 |
Jul-25 | 18-Jul-25 | 31-Jul-25 |
Aug-25 | 18-Aug-25 | 29-Aug-25 |
Sep-25 | 17-Sep-25 | 30-Sep-25 |
Oct-25 | 15-Oct-25 | 31-Oct-25 |
Nov-25 | 14-Nov-25 | 28-Nov-25 |
Dec-25 | 09-Dec-25 | TBD |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
July | 12/07/2024 | 26/07/2024 |
August | 16/08/2024 | 28/08/2024 |
September | 13/09/2024 | 27/09/2024 |
October | 11/10/2024 | 28/10/2024 |
November | 15/11/2023 | 28/11/2024 |
December | 13/12/2024 | 27/12/2024 |
January | 10/01/2025 | 28/01/2025 |
February | 14/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 14/03/2025 | 28/03/2025 |
April | 11/04/2025 | 28/04/2025 |
May | 09/05/2025 | 28/05/2025 |
June | 13/06/2025 | 27/06/2025 |
July | 11/07/2025 | 28/07/2025 |
August | 15/08/2025 | 28/08/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
December | 01/12/2023 | 15/12/2023 |
January | 05/01/2024 | 26/01/2024 |
February | 05/02/2024 | 28/02/2024 |
March | 05/03/2024 | 28/03/2024 |
April | 05/04/2024 | 26/04/2024 |
May | 05/05/2024 | 28/05/2024 |
June | 05/06/2024 | 28/06/2024 |
July | 05/07/2024 | 26/07/2024 |
August | 05/08/2024 | 28/08/2024 |
September | 05/09/2024 | 27/09/2024 |
October | 05/10/2024 | 28/10/2024 |
November | 05/11/2024 | 28/11/2024 |
View the Candidate Guide for a step by step guide on how to submit timesheets.
Month | Timesheet Deadline (before 12pm) | Pay Date |
September | 30/09/2024 | 22/10/2024 |
October | 28/10/2024 | 22/11/2024 |
November | 25/11/2024 | 18/12/2024 |
December | 30/12/2024 | 22/01/2025 |
January | 27/01/2025 | 21/02/2025 |
February | 24/02/2025 | 21/03/2025 |
March | 31/03/2025 | 22/04/2025 |
April | 28/04/2025 | 22/05/2025 |
May | 27/05/2025 | 20/06/2025 |
June | 30/06/2025 | 22/07/2025 |
July | 28/07/2025 | 22/08/2025 |
August | 01/09/2025 | 22/09/2025 |
September | 29/09/2025 | 22/10/2025 |
October | 27/10/2025 | 21/11/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
December | 11/12/2023 | 20/12/2023 |
January | 14/01/2024 | 24/01/2024 |
February | 18/02/2024 | 28/02/2024 |
March | 17/03/2024 | 27/03/2024 |
April | 14/04/2024 | 24/04/2024 |
May | 19/05/2024 | 29/05/2024 |
June | 16/06/2024 | 26/06/2024 |
July | 21/07/2024 | 31/07/2024 |
August | 18/08/2024 | 28/08/2024 |
September | 15/09/2024 | 25/09/2024 |
October | 20/10/2024 | 30/10/2024 |
November | 17/11/2024 | 27/11/2024 |
December | TBC | TBC |
- Please be aware that if your RTW check is conducted at the end of the month/first week of the month your first payment may be delayed due to the time taken to process new starters. It’s important that your payroll form is filled in with the correct bank details and taxation status.
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Approval Deadline | Holiday Pay Claim Deadline | Pay Date |
November | 10/11/2024 | 12/11/2024 | 12/11/2024 | 29/11/2024 |
December | 01/12/2024 | 03/12/2024 | 03/12/2024 | 19/12/2024 |
January | 05/01/2025 | 07/01/2025 | 07/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 02/02/2025 | 04/02/2025 | 04/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 02/03/2025 | 04/03/2025 | 04/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 06/04/2025 | 08/04/2025 | 08/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 04/05/2025 | 06/05/2025 | 06/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 01/06/2025 | 03/06/2025 | 03/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 06/07/2025 | 08/07/2025 | 08/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 03/08/2025 | 05/08/2025 | 05/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 07/09/2025 | 09/09/2025 | 09/09/2025 | 29/09/2025 |
October | 05/10/2025 | 07/10/2025 | 07/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 02/11/2025 | 04/11/2025 | 04/11/2025 | 28/11/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
December | 08/12/2024 | 20/12/2024 |
January | 12/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 16/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 16/03/2024 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 13/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 18/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 15/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 20/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 17/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 14/09/2025 | 30/09/2025 |
October | 19/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 16/11/2025 | 28/11/2025 |
December | 07/12/2025 | 19/12/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Approval Deadline | Pay Date |
December | 30/11/2021 | 21/12/2021 |
January | 06/01/2022 | 28/01/2022 |
February | 06/02/2022 | 28/02/2022 |
March | 06/03/2022 | 28/03/2022 |
April | TBC | TBC |
May | TBC | TBC |
June | TBC | TBC |
July | 06/07/2022 | 28/07/2022 |
August | 03/08/2022 | 26/08/2022 |
September | 01/09/2022 | 28/09/2022 |
October | 03/10/2022 | 28/10/2022 |
November | 02/11/2022 | 28/11/2022 |
December | 01/12/2022 | TBC |
Month | Timesheet Approval Deadline (5:00pm) | Pay Date |
March | 18/03/2024 | 27/03/2024 |
April | 15/04/2024 | 30/04/2024 |
May | 20/05/2024 | 31/05/2024 |
June | 17/06/2024 | 28/06/2024 |
July | 15/07/2024 | 31/07/2024 |
August | 19/08/2024 | 30/08/2024 |
September | 16/09/2024 | 30/09/2024 |
October | 14/10/2024 | 31/10/2024 |
November | 18/11/2024 | 29/11/2024 |
December | 09/12/2024* by 10am EARLY DUE TO CHRISTMAS CLOSURE | 17/12/2024 |
January | 20/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 17/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 17/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 14/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 19/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
January | 23/12/2024 | 24/01/2025 |
February | 20/01/2025 | 25/02/2025 |
March | 24/02/2025 | 25/03/2025 |
April | 24/03/2025 | 25/04/2025 |
May | 28/04/2025 | 23/05/2025 |
June | 26/05/2025 | 25/06/2025 |
July | 23/06/2025 | 25/07/2025 |
August | 21/07/2025 | 22/08/2025 |
September | 25/08/2025 | 25/09/2025 |
October | 22/09/2025 | 24/10/2025 |
November | 27/10/2025 | 25/11/2025 |
December | 24/11/2025 | 19/12/2025 |
Month | Timesheet Deadline (midnight) | Approval Deadline (midday) | Pay Date |
January | 13/01/2025 | 14/01/2025 | 30/01/2025 |
February | 10/02/2025 | 11/02/2025 | 27/02/2025 |
March | 10/03/2025 | 11/03/2025 | 28/03/2025 |
April | 07/04/2025 | 08/04/2025 | 29/04/2025 |
May | 12/05/2025 | 13/05/2025 | 29/05/2025 |
June | TBC | TBC | TBC |
July | TBC | TBC | TBC |
August | TBC | TBC | TBC |
September | TBC | TBC | TBC |
October | TBC | TBC | TBC |
November | TBC | TBC | TBC |
December | TBC | TBC | TBC |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
January | 13/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 10/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 17/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 11/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 09/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 13/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 11/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 15/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 12/09/2025 | 30/09/2025 |
October | 10/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 14/11/2025 | 28/11/2025 |
December | 12/12/2025 | 31/12/2025 |
Month | Weeks Covered | Number of Weeks | Timesheet Deadline (5:00pm) | Pay Date |
January | 25/11/24 – 29/12/24 | 5 | 10/01/25 | 31/01/25 |
February | 30/12/24 – 26/01/25 | 4 | 14/02/25 | 28/02/25 |
March | 27/01/25 – 23/02/25 | 4 | 07/03/25 | 31/03/25 |
April | 24/02/25 – 23/03/25 | 4 | 11/04/25 | 30/04/25 |
May | 24/03/25 – 27/04/25 | 5 | 09/05/25 | 30/05/25 |
June | 28/04/25 – 01/06/25 | 5 | 13/06/25 | 30/06/25 |
July | 02/06/25 – 29/06/25 | 4 | 11/07/25 | 31/07/25 |
August | 30/06/25 – 27/07/25 | 4 | 08/08/25 | 29/08/25 |
September | 28/07/25 – 31/08/25 | 5 | 12/09/25 | 30/09/25 |
October | 01/09/25 – 28/09/25 | 4 | 10/10/25 | 31/10/25 |
November | 29/09/25 – 26/10/25 | 4 | 14/11/25 | 28/11/25 |
December | 27/10/25 – 23/11/25 | 4 | TBC | TBC |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
September 2024 | Fri 13th Sept | Thurs 26th Sept |
October 2024 | Fri 11th Oct | Fri 25th Oct |
November 2024 | Fri 15th Nov | Tues 26th Nov |
December 2024 | Fri 6th Dec | Thurs 19th Dec |
January 2025 | Fri 10th Jan | Fri 24th Jan |
February 2025 | Fri 14th Feb | Wed 26th Feb |
March 2025 | Fri 14th Mar | Wed 26th Mar |
April 2025 | Fri 11th Apr | Fri 25th April |
May 2025 | Fri 9th May | Fri 23rd May |
June 2025 | Fri 13th Jun | Thurs 26th June |
July 2025 | Fri 11th Jul | Fri 25th July |
August 2025 | Fri 15th Aug | Tues 26th Aug |
Month | Timesheet Deadline | Pay Date |
December | 09/12/2024 | 19/12/2024 |
January | 13/01/2025 | 31/01/2025 |
February | 10/02/2025 | 28/02/2025 |
March | 10/03/2025 | 31/03/2025 |
April | 14/04/2025 | 30/04/2025 |
May | 12/05/2025 | 30/05/2025 |
June | 16/06/2025 | 30/06/2025 |
July | 14/07/2025 | 31/07/2025 |
August | 11/08/2025 | 29/08/2025 |
September | 15/09/2025 | 30/09/2025 |
October | 13/10/2025 | 31/10/2025 |
November | 10/11/2025 | 28/11/2025 |
December | 08/12/2025 | 19/12/2025 |
My UK bank account has not yet been set up, can I start?
Providing your registration is complete, you can commence work without a UK bank account. Once your new bank account confirmation has come through, you will need to complete the bank details form and send this to the relevant Unitemps office. Please note: the University will not be able to pay you for any work unless you have supplied us with this information. This needs to be within 3 months of your initial registration, otherwise we will need to conduct a new right to work check when you provide your bank details after this date. We cannot make payments to international bank accounts, by cash or by cheque and all payments are made by BACS bank transfer.
What are my break entitlements?
Workers have the right to have a break of one uninterrupted minimum of a 20 minute rest break during your working day if they work for 6 continuous hours or more in a day.
Do I get paid for breaks?
Unless agreed by your hiring manager, lunch breaks and other rest breaks do not count as part of your working time and should not be claimed for on your timesheet.
My timesheets have been submitted and authorised, but I have not been paid?
Check that they have not been ‘saved’ rather than submitted or check when they were authorised by the department. If the timesheet was approved after the monthly payroll cut off, you will be paid the following month. You can view these timesheet submission deadlines by visiting the Information Hub on your Unitemps dashboard and then selecting ‘The University of Leicester’. If you notice that your manager has not yet authorised your timesheet please contact them directly.
I’ve submitted a timesheet but it’s wrong, how can I change it?
If you have submitted a timesheet that is incorrect, please contact the relevant Unitemps office with the details of the timesheet as soon as possible.
I need to enter my hours on my timesheet, but I cannot see the job booking details?
If you have not received a job booking email then you have not been booked into the job and timesheets will not be accessible to you. You will need to get in touch with the relevant Unitemps team and contact your department. You should not commence any work without receiving a job booking email.
My job is listed but the correct week ending date for the work is not displayed?
Your timesheets are available up to 6 weeks after your booking has ended, after 6 weeks you will no longer have the facility to submit your timesheet or see the previous job role. If this is the case please email us.
Each month you will receive a payslip detailing your monthly income and any deductions. Payslips and PAYE documents are available online via the secure site Unitemps Warwick Payslip Portal. A guide explaining how to access your payslips/PAYE documents is available.Payslips can be found on the DMU hub. Your username and password for the DMUHub will be emailed to you around your first pay date. If you have not received them please email and we will resend the email to you. If you are having any problems accessing the DMUHub please call the ITMS department at De Montfort University on (0)116 250 6050. Please print off your payslips on a monthly basis, as the payroll office cannot reprint payslips once you have finished your assignment. You will also find your P60 (once issued) on the DMUHub.
If you are a current NTU student, you can view your payslip online at to see the exact amount that has been paid. You will need to log in using your NTU student ID and password (the same login details you use to access NTU systems).
Payslips are sent by UCL HR Services via email. You can access your payslip online via the University's e-financials system using your staff UUN and password.Payslips and PAYE documents are available online via the secure site Unitemps Warwick Payslip Portal. A guide explaining how to access your payslips/PAYE documents is available.
You should check your payslip each month to ensure you have been paid correctly and that the right amounts of tax and national insurance have been deducted. The Money Advice Service provides useful advice on understanding your payslip. If you have a query after checking your payslip, please email us or call 024761 5133001227 9222040207 040 80260116 207 835101242 7145780131 451 340001512318888020 8411 51510115 848 474001782 29499501642 342735020 7679 26400121 232 44520131 651 14360116 229 700701604 8921210115 84 673740161 295 419301483 68410002476 150266.
I need a P60, how can I get this?
The P60 will be issued automatically after the end of the tax year (April – March) and will be emailed to you. Please ensure your contact details are up to date to ensure you receive this. If you have not received this, email
I haven’t received my payslip, how can I get this?
Payslips are issued by the payroll and pensions team and posted out to the address on your Unitemps account. If you have not received your payslip, please check if your address details are up to date. If they are not, you will need to provide your new address details to us by emailing the Unitemps office. Please contact the payroll and pensions team if you require a copy of your payslip
Tax and National Insurance queries
If you have any queries about your pay relating to tax or national insurance, you should contact HMRC directly on 0300 200 3300. You will need to provide your national insurance number and your PAYE reference number. These are shown on your payslip. Your PAYE reference number is 120/ZA76059 unless you are paid on the 24th of the month in which case your PAYE reference number is 190/U50120/FB15996951 C2216475/FB56469475/LE74322961/380192120/EE07973120/M1120/TB67266120/MA86081951/U3068/B3961/2401398267/U27267/ES50749507/231696120/JE90342581-MU23120/LE55619120/ZA76059 unless you are paid on the 24th of the month in which case your PAYE reference number is 190/U50.
The GOV.UK website has information on tax codes and may help you if you think you’ve paid too much tax. You can also find more information about National Insurance.
The registration forms ask for a national insurance number but I don’t have one, can I work without?
You can begin work without a national insurance number however you will need to apply for one. Once you have received your NI number, please email this across to and
Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Birmingham runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at CCCU runs from 1st September through to 31st August and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at City St George's runs from 1 August through to 31 July and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at DMU runs from 1 January through to 31 December and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Gloucestershire runs from 1 September through to 31 August and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Heriot-Watt runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at LJMU runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Middlesex runs from 6 April through to 5 April and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at NTU runs from August - July and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Staffordshire runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Teesside runs from 1st August to 31st July and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is an additional pay rate to your standard wage, which accrues as its own entity and is available to claim when you take annual leave through the Unitemps website. The Unitemps holiday year at UCL runs from 1 August through to 31 July and all holiday entitlement must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at UCB runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Edinburgh runs from 1 January through to 31 December and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Leicester runs from 1 January through to 31 December and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Northampton runs from 1 August through to 31 July and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Nottingham runs from 1 August through to 31 July and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Salford runs from 1 August through to 31 July and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Surrey runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire. Holiday pay is calculated by the number of hours worked multiplied by the holiday pay rate of a particular assignment. Holiday pay is automatically paid out as part of your monthly wages and will appear on your Unitemps payslip. The Unitemps holiday year at Warwick runs from 1 October through to 30 September and all holiday days must be taken during the course of the leave year in which it accrues. It is your responsibility to ensure that all holiday is requested and taken within the correct leave year to ensure that it does not expire.
What happens once an assignment has closed?
Once your assignment has been closed we will process any outstanding holiday pay from that assignment. If there is any outstanding holiday pay this claim will appear on the Unitemps website in the next 7 days and will be processed in the next available payroll. Please note that the payroll cut-off date for holiday claims to be processed will determine which payroll the holiday pay is processed in. Please remember to claim holiday pay on a regular basis and that the holiday pay amount is also taxable. Holiday pay should be taken when taking leave from work and must not be used as a way of managing monthly taxes on your pay.
Due to the re-set of the holiday pay year, the balance of any unclaimed holiday pay will no longer be visible on your Unitemps account. Rest assured, these amounts have not been lost and will be paid within August 2024’s pay.Before you start working
Once you have been offered a role but before you start working you must contact the Unitemps branch that is managing your assignment to arrange an eligibility to work check and to provide your national insurance number and the bank details for the account in to which you wish to be paid. You cannot start an assignment until we have seen your proof of right to work.
Home Office Online Record Checks
If you are working under a visa (such as Settled Status, Pre-Settled Status or Student Visa) then you will normally be able to prove right to work using a Home Office Online Record Check. To do this you will need complete a form provided to you by your branch and request a Share Code from the Home Office.
The form and code should be returned to the branch who will then arrange a right to work interview to complete the check. Please note that certain types of visas (such as Student Visas – see below) will require extra additional documentation as well.
UK or Irish nationals along with visa holders who do not have a Home Office account should provide physical documents (see below for a list of options).
If you have an indefinite right to work in the UK
If you are a British or Irish citizen or if you have a visa giving you an indefinite right to work in the UK then you must provide one of the following combinations of ID before you work any shifts:
- A passport (current or expired) showing the holder is a British citizen or a citizen of the UK and Colonies having the right of abode in the UK.
- A passport or passport card (in either case, whether current or expired) showing that the holder is an Irish citizen.
- A document issued by the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey or the Isle of Man, which has been verified as valid by the Home Office Employer Checking Service, showing that the holder has been granted unlimited leave to enter or remain under Appendix EU(J) to the Jersey Immigration Rules, Appendix EU to the Immigration (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Rules 2008 or Appendix EU to the Isle of Man Immigration Rules.
- A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is exempt from immigration control, is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, has the right of abode in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK.
- A current Immigration Status Document issued by the Home Office to the holder with an endorsement indicating that the named person is allowed to stay indefinitely in the UK, or has no time limit on their stay in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
- A birth or adoption certificate issued in the UK, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
- A birth or adoption certificate issued in the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man or Ireland, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
- A certificate of registration or naturalisation as a British citizen, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
If you are working in the UK under a visa or have a temporary right to work
If you have a temporary right to work in the UK then you must provide one of the following combinations of ID before you start working. We are required by law to carry out rechecks of your eligibility to work before the expiry date of the document or visa. If you are working under any restrictions then it is essential that you adhere to these at all times.
- A current passport endorsed to show that the holder is allowed to stay in the UK and is currently allowed to do the type of work in question.
- A document issued by the Bailiwick of Jersey, the Bailiwick of Guernsey or the Isle of Man, which has been verified as valid by the Home Office Employer Checking Service, showing that the holder has been granted limited leave to enter or remain under Appendix EU(J) to the Jersey Immigration Rules, Appendix EU to the Immigration (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Rules 2008 or Appendix EU to the Isle of Man Immigration Rules.
- A current Immigration Status Document containing a photograph issued by the Home Office to the holder with a valid endorsement indicating that the named person may stay in the UK, and is allowed to do the type of work in question, together with an official document giving the person’s permanent National Insurance number and their name issued by a government agency or a previous employer.
If you are in the process of applying for a new visa then please provide evidence of your application in the form of an Application Registration Card, Certificate of Application or an acknowledgement letter from the Home Office (or the alternative applicable authority of Jersey or Guernsey). We will then need to carry out a confirmation check with the Employer Checking Service before you can begin your assignment. This will normally take 2 to 3 weeks. Once you have received your new visa please bring it to your local Unitemps branch as soon as possible. If you have not received it within 6 months then we will need to carry out this check again.
If you are a Student visa holder
In addition to the documentation described above you will also need to provide evidence of the term dates for your course and a student status letter. Please be aware that the term dates for your course may not match the standard term dates for your institution.
If you have any questions about any of the above then please email your local branch on
I have submitted my thesis / working on corrections / awaiting my visa, do you need to update my record?
Yes, you will need to contact PG Research and also provide an official letter to confirm your status to the Unitemps team.
How do I complete a student declaration if I am a postgraduate student on a student visa?
You will need to complete a declaration form confirming that you agree to work in accordance with the hours’ restrictions of your visa. Postgraduate Masters and PhD students’ term begins on the date on which you begin studying, and end on the date which you are due to complete your course. You should complete the ‘term dates’ on the student declaration with the date from which your postgraduate studies commenced to the date of the expected course completion. We would advise using the dates that are specified on your certificate of registration or student registry letter.
I have a skilled worker/tier 2 visa, what documents do you need from me?
You will need to provide your skilled worker/tier 2 visa as part of your registration prior to starting any work. The declaration must be completed by your sponsoring institution and you will only be able carry out work in line with your visa restrictions. This must be the same type of work that you are sponsored to do, at the same level of pay, and under the same standard occupational classification code. If you have queries, you should contact the Unitemps team before commencing any work.
I’m on a visa that is not listed in the acceptable right to work documents, what should I do?
You must not commence working until your right to work status has been confirmed by the Unitemps team. Please contact us with the details of your visa and details of the assignment you are due to begin as soon as possible.
I am on a spousal/dependants visa, how many hours can I work?
Individuals who have a spousal/dependent visa can work up to 48 hours per week. For the purposes of your visa, a working week runs from Monday to Sunday.
My current visa is expiring soon, but I’ve applied for a new one, can I still work?
Contact Unitemps before your current visa expires for further guidance. With your permission, we can request a temporary visa check from the Home Office. You must not continue to work if your visa has expired. Our contact information is available under the contact section.
My visa status has changed, what should I do?
You must contact the Unitemps team as soon as possible if there are any changes to your visa and must not work until your new visa has been verified and confirmed as an acceptable right to work document.
I have completed my studies, do I need to update Unitemps?
This is only required if you are on a visa and wish to work full-time hours. You will need to provide proof of your course completion and we will confirm to you when you are able to work full-time hours.
I have been suspended/withdrawn from my studies, can I still work?
If you are on student visa and have been suspended or withdrawn from your studies, you no longer have a valid right to work in the UK, as your student visa is now invalid. You must inform us immediately and must not continue to work.
If you are a UK student and have been suspended, you are able to work full-time hours, providing all your compliance checks have been completed.
Student visa working restrictions
If you are working under a Student visa, there are strict rules on the hours that you are permitted to work depending on whether you are working during or outside of your term dates. Please be aware that, depending on the level of your course, the University term dates may not apply to you and further documentation may be required.
Find more guidance on student visa working restrictions.
Find more guidance on student visa working restrictions.
Get further guidance on student visa working restrictions.
I hold a student visa, how many hours can I work?
The maximum hours you can work will be detailed on your visa or BRP card (Biometric Residence Permit). This is normally 10 or 20 hours per week depending on your level of study. For the purposes of your visa, a working week runs from Monday to Sunday. We will cap the maximum number of hours you can work on your personnel record to ensure any hours restrictions are not exceeded. If you have completed your studies, you may be eligible to work full-time hours but you will need to provide proof of completion by contacting the relevant Unitemps office before doing any work beyond your restricted hours so that the cap can be removed and your record updated. Please contact the Unitemps office if in doubt.
Get further guidance on student visa working restrictions.
How can the Careers and Employability Service help me at the University of Nottingham?
As a UoN student, you can access a range of online resources on making applications as well as bookable appointments (including CV reviews) on the University’s Careers and Employability webpage.
In the case of absence due to sickness or illness, you may be eligible for Statutory Sick Pay provided that you meet the relevant statutory criteria. Please note that Statutory Sick Pay is not payable for the first 3 days of the period of absence. If you wish to claim SSP you will be expected to complete a Self-Certification Form (NTU) to cover the first 7 days of absence (including non-working days) and thereafter must supply a doctor’s fit note. These should be sent to your local Unitemps office. If for whatever reason you are unable to attend work, you must telephone your line manager and/or the Unitemps office as soon as possible.
Statutory maternity pay (SMP) is payable to workers who take time off work to have a baby. There are qualifying criteria and not all temporary workers will be eligible. If you are not eligible for SMP then you can still apply for maternity allowance. Get further details on SMP.
You must notify Unitemps of your pregnancy as follows:
- Inform your Unitemps office in writing so that a maternity risk assessment can be undertaken for the role and any necessary changes made
- Complete, by the 15th week before the baby is due at the latest, a maternity leave plan form and submit it to the Unitemps office with your MAT B1 form
Statutory paternity pay (SPP) is payable to workers who take time off work when their baby is born. There are qualifying criteria and not all temporary workers will be eligible. Get further details on SPP.
You must notify Unitemps of the pregnancy as follows:
- Complete a paternity leave plan form and submit it to the Unitemps office by the 15th week before the baby is due at the latest.
Agency workers are not entitled to statutory paternity leave.
The Agency Workers Regulations (AWR) ensure that temporary workers in Great Britain are entitled to ‘equal treatment’ to permanent staff in certain areas of employment. View more information on how AWR is applied at BirminghamCCCUCity St George'sDMUGloucestershireHeriot-WattLJMUMiddlesexNTUStaffordshireUCLUCBEdinburghLeicesterNorthamptonNottinghamSalfordSurreyTeessideWarwick herehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehereherehere.
Workers must by law be automatically enrolled in to a workplace pension scheme provided they are aged between 22 and state pension age, earn more than £10,000 a year and work in the UK.
If you become eligible for auto-enrolment, we will write to you with full details of the scheme and your options.
Get more information on auto-enrolment and the scheme City Unitemps operates.
We use two pension schemes; CRSP and USS at University of Nottingham Unitemps.
Get further guidance on pension auto enrolment.
Get further guidance on pension auto enrolment.
For all pension enquiries please contact the Pensions Team on and they will be able to advise you.
Get more information on auto-enrolment and the scheme Unitemps Warwick operates.
What to do when you finish your position with Unitemps
If you have finished your assignment with Unitemps BirminghamCCCUCity St George'sDMUGloucestershireHeriot-WattLJMUMiddlesexNTUStaffordshireUCLUCBEdinburghLeicesterNorthamptonNottinghamSalfordSurreyTeessideWarwick and you are not planning to work through us in the future then you will need to request your P45. A P45 request will remove you from the Unitemps DMU payroll. The easiest way to do this is to complete a P45 request form. Please ensure you have claimed all of your outstanding holiday pay via the Unitemps website, and saved any payslips via the DMUHub (once a P45 has been issued you will no longer have access to the DMUHub). Or you could get in touch with Unitemps BirminghamCCCUCity St George'sDMUGloucestershireHeriot-WattLJMUMiddlesexNTUStaffordshireUCLUCBEdinburghLeicesterNorthamptonNottinghamSalfordSurreyTeessideWarwick payroll. Please email your request to You will need to include your name and the final date you worked for Unitemps. You should also make sure that you have claimed all of your outstanding holiday pay and confirm that you have done this in your email request.
If you request a P45 and then subsequently plan to do further work for Unitemps then you will need to come to the office to be setup on the payroll and to complete your right to work checks again before you start working.
Find more information regarding P45 forms.
If you wish to amend your payroll information such as bank details, name or address, please contact the branch to request a payroll amendment form.
If you require a name change due to gender reassignment or another protected characteristic please contact the branch and speak to one of our consultants who will assist with your request.
University of Warwick staff card access
If your assignment is at the University of Warwick, you will need a Warwick staff card to access your department. This should have been arranged for you before you start your assignment but if not, please ask your line manager to email the payroll department, stating your payroll number and the department that you require access to. It can take a couple of days for the activation to take effect. If you don’t know your payroll number email or call us on 02476 150266.
You will be eligible for staff parking rates. Further details can be found on the University of Warwick car parking pages.
The University of Warwick is committed to ensuring a working and learning environment in which all University members (staff and students) are treated fairly and with dignity and respect, and where bullying and harassment are not tolerated.
The Dignity at Warwick Policy outlines unacceptable behaviours and the process on reporting and dealing with inappropriate behaviour.
We expect all members of the University to recognise their responsibilities and to:
- Behave in a way that respects the rights and dignity of others
- Treat others fairly
- Display courtesy and good manners in every interaction appreciating that individuals have different styles and expectations
- Value differences in others and the contribution they make
- Work and study within the University on a co-operative basis
- Demonstrate a commitment to upholding the University’s policies on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion.
If you have any concerns in relation to this policy please contact
What to do if you get a permanent post at University of Warwick?
If you are leaving Unitemps to take on a permanent role at the university, please let us know by emailing You will not receive a P45 from Unitemps as your details will be transferred internally to the main Warwick payroll but you will be removed from the Unitemps payroll. If you are planning to continue in your Unitemps role alongside a new full-time or part-time position at Warwick, you do not need to let us know but you may want to contact HMRC in order to clarify your situation.
For temps working on campus at De Montfort University enhanced rate overtime is only available in respect of working hours that exceed 42 per week (including hours worked on weekends). This means that part time staff working additional hours will be paid their basic rate for any additional hours up to 42 hours.
Enhanced rate overtime will only be available to part time colleagues (if eligible) if they work over 42 hours in the week. The university will pay an enhanced rate to employees on grades A-E who, as part of their contractual hours and normal working week, are required to work outside the university's core hours of 8am - 8pm Monday to Friday.
If you are due to work overtime, please contact the Unitemps office so that we can create a new job for you at the enhanced rate. Time and a half on a Saturday, and double time on Sundays (if you have worked 42 hours that week).
If your assignment is at De Montfort University, you will need a De Montfort University staff card to access your department. Your line manager should arrange this for you by completing this form.
Parking - internal assignments at DMU
If you are working on an assignment at De Montfort University and require parking, you are able to apply for a parking permit. You can complete the offline application form, and return the completed form to the Estates Services Reception. The Estates department will also need an email from Unitemps confirming you are currently working on campus and the start and end date of your assignment. Please let the DMU Unitemps Office know if you require us to send the confirmation email to Estates. (Please note parking is not guaranteed even with a parking permit, as parking is limited on campus).
I need to change my bank details
If you have changed your bank details, you need to inform the Unitemps team as soon as possible to ensure that your payment goes into the correct bank account. You can inform the team of your new details using this form.
Please note that in line with the timesheet deadlines, if you notify us of the change after payroll has been run, your pay will go to the old details provided as there is no way to stop this. If that bank account no longer exists, the money will bounce back and you will receive it into your new bank as soon as possible. (This may not be on the 25th).
For all academic/research roles, the workers will have to report with their Right to Work documentation to Brookfield, whereas all other workers will be required to report to the Charles Wilson Building. As a reminder, Right to Work document checks MUST be received by the relevant team before any work can be undertaken. Failure by the worker to produce their Right to Work documentation prior to work will result in non-payment due to legal reasons.
Why do I need to register myself with a Unitemps?
You must have an account to submit your right to work documents and complete the legally required compliance checks prior to starting in a booking. It also enables you to submit your timesheets and claim your holiday pay.
How do I register?
Go to the Unitemps webpage at to create an online account. You will need to provide us with your CV, referees covering the last 6 months of employment or study and proof of any relevant qualifications required for your role. If you are a student, you will also need to provide us with details of your student number.
I’ve worked through Unitemps in the past, do I still need to register?
If you were issued with a P45, your visa has expired or if you have not been engaged with Unitemps within the last 12 months, you will need to re-register. Please contact us in the first instance and we will review your registration status and advise on the next steps. If you are required to re-register, we will require you to supply all up-to-date compliance documentation in line with current policies and legislation.
Can I claim for work undertaken before I have registered?
No. You must never commit to a start date or work any shifts unless you have received a confirmation email from the Unitemps office. You must not enter claims on any available timesheets that do not match the actual dates and times you have worked as this would be fraudulent. You must only claim for hours on timesheets relating to the relevant role if you have more than one Unitemps role.
What is a right to work check?
Please visit the University of Leicester Information Hub under the Right to work and visa checks section or contact us directly for information on Right to Work Checks under Coronavirus restrictions
Can I have my right to work documents checked on the day I am due to start?
No, all checks must be conducted a minimum of one day before you engage in any work in line with current legislation. You will not be able to submit a timesheet or start work until this check is complete.
I’ve received an email with a job advert link, what does this?
The link that you have received will need to be completed before you start work. Once you have completed the criminal conviction declaration, we can progress the booking for you.
It is the responsibility of the line manager of staff employed through Unitemps to ensure that such staff are aware of their responsibilities under the Data Protection Act and their responsibilities with regard to the University's Information Security policy. Although the principal concerns are the processing of personal, sensitive, and confidential information, these requirements apply to all information held and processed by the University.
If the role of the temporary member of staff is quite limited with respect to the access and processing of information, it may be sufficient to simply give the person very clear and precise instructions regarding how the information is to be processed and their responsibilities. In such case, a record should be kept of both the instructions and of having given the instructions to the member of staff. In case of doubt please seek advice from Information Assurance Services.
Where temporary staff are in roles that require them to have significant access to information, or where staff members will be working at the University for an extended period, they will be required to undertake the Information Security Awareness Training which is mandatory for all permanent members of staff. The line manager should supply the staff member's name and User ID to Information Assurance Services via who will enrol them onto the course. They will then need to undertake the training during work time. It should also be noted that any training the temporary member of staff may have received elsewhere is not an acceptable substitute for the University's training.
What are Senate Regulations and what do they mean?
Senate regulations are University of Leicester rules and information provided by the Senate for students. There are specific guidelines regarding the hours undergraduate and postgraduate students can work so it is important you familiarise yourself with these.
If you wish to change your bank details or amend your name or address, please contact the branch to request a payroll amendment form.
When you are working through Unitemps you are representing Middlesex University, Unitemps and YOURSELF and we rely upon you to project a positive and professional image. To help us maintain good relationships with employers, we expect you to:
- Only apply for assignments where you have the necessary skills and are able to comply with the working hours and duration of the job.
- Be prompt and punctual for interviews and notify us if you are unable to attend.
- Let us and your line manager, know as soon as possible if you are going to be absent from work or late for any reason.
- If you know that you have any coursework deadlines or exam revision, inform the Middlesex Unitemps branch and your current line manager as far in advance as possible so that they can change your working hours or give you the necessary time off.
- Maintain confidentiality of any information or records that you see during your work.
- Let us know immediately if you encounter any problems within the workplace with regard to sexual or racial harassment.
- Keep your profile on the Unitemps website up-to-date. If we are unable to contact you because you have changed your contact details, we will not be able to find you work.
- Inform us if you forget your login details and we can email these to you. Please do not register again as this can cause problems on our system.
Middlesex Unitemps reserves the right to remove from its register any persons who behave in such a way as to damage our reputation with our partner universities or with our commercial clients.
When you register for Unitemps at Middlesex you will receive regular updates and notifications on new opportunities, skills development events and workshops.
Middlesex University staff card access
If your assignment is at Middlesex University and you are not currently a Middlesex University student, you will need a Middlesex staff card to access your department. Your line manager should arrange this for you. If this does not happen, please ask your line manager to email ( stating your payroll number and to which department you require access. It can take a couple of days for the activation to take effect. If you don't know your payroll number email ( or call us on 020 8411 5151.
There are currently no available parking facilities at our Hendon Campus - however we are very well served by public transport. Buses, underground and British Rail services are all within a short distance to the campus. You can get detailed information from the TfL (Transport for London) website
What to do if you get a permanent post at Middlesex University
If you are on an assignment with Unitemps and you then obtain a permanent full- time or part-time post on Middlesex University’s staff, please inform our Unitemps ( office immediately.
If you are a current student or graduate UCL careers can provide you with support for career planning, CVs and the application process, practice interviews and much more.
If you are in the process of applying for something specific, (this could be a role via Unitemps, an internship, a job, course, PhD or anything else), and have written a draft application, you can book an appointment for application advice on it before sending it off to the recruiter. Our team will work through the recruiter’s requirements with you and give tips on how you might improve your application.
You can also talk to a career specialist about your options or get some guidance if you have an upcoming interview for a job. We can help you with the application process and guide you on how to build a portfolio of experience, so that you’re in a better position to access opportunities in your chosen field. We have a range of appointment options that you can chose from ranging from ‘short guidance’ appointment that is used as a starting point to discuss a wide range of topics with a careers specialist, a practice interview (if you have an interview coming up) or an ‘applications advice’ appointment for those who have drafted an application, (CV, cover letter, personal statement etc.), for something specific and want advice on how to improve it before sending it off. Furthermore, if you are unsuccessful in a job application and would like some additional advice and guidance, UCL Careers can help.
For more information about appointments with UCL Careers and to book an appointment go to UCL Careers.
We also run many events where we invite employers on campus to give advice and guidance on their sector. These are a great opportunity to talk with employers about their particular sector and job roles. Get more information on all our events.
The Careers Tagged website will also give you further information and help sheets. You will need to log in by using your UCL username and password.
Find details for parking on campus.
What to do if you get a permanent post at University of Staffordshire
If you are on an assignment with Unitemps and you then obtain a permanent full-time or part-time post on University of Staffordshire’s staff, please inform a member of the Unitemps team who will advise you on what happens next.
Restricted weekly working hours at NTU
Your hours of work will vary depending on your assignment, and we do not guarantee work for any of our candidates. However, we enforce a restriction of no more than 20 hours per week for all students, to ensure your main focus can still be on your studies.
Health and safety
When starting an assignment at NTU please ensure you are aware of, and familiarise yourself with, the following procedures and information:
- Emergency procedures and contact telephone numbers if relevant
- Identity of designated first aiders
- Incident reporting procedures
- Provision and use of safety equipment if required
- You must behave in a manner which safeguards your own health and safety, that of individuals with whom you work and anyone else you may come into contact with.
- Ensure that your emergency contact information is up to date on your Unitemps profile at
- Smoking is not permitted anywhere on campus, NTU is a non-smoking campus.
- If you have concerns over your working area, please raise this with your hiring manager and the Unitemps team.
Professional Standards of Conduct
Whilst undertaking Assignments, we expect you to adhere to professional standards of conduct, respecting confidentiality of any information you come into contact with and keeping both Unitemps and your workplace manager fully informed of any problems encountered. If you choose to accept an assignment we offer you will:
- Co-operate with the hiring manager’s reasonable instructions and accept the direction, supervision and control of any reasonable person within the department in which you are working.
- Observe any relevant rules and regulations of Nottingham Trent University and the department in which you are working (including normal hours of work) to which attention has been drawn or which you might reasonably be expected to assent.
- Not engage in any conduct detrimental to the interests of Nottingham Trent University or Unitemps.
- All students and staff working within NTU must exercise professional standards of behaviour and conduct with all individuals at the Nottingham Trent University. This includes all members of staff, students and visitors of the University.
- As a student of NTU, you must continue to adhere to the Student Code of Behaviour whilst working through Unitemps.
You must familiarise yourself and comply with the University’s Policies and Regulations, including:
- Equality and Diversity Policy
- Computer Use and Regulations
- Privacy Statement
- Student Code of Behaviour
When working through Unitemps at NTU you shall not either during an assignment or at any time after the end of an assignment (howsoever arising):
- Use any Confidential Information; or
- Make or use any copies of the Confidential Information; or
- Disclose any Confidential Information to any person, company or other organisation whatsoever.
- All intellectual property disclosed to you, conceived and/or created by you (either alone or with others) in the course of any Assignment will belong to the University and you must not use this intellectual property in any way.
- You must seek guidance from your hiring manager with regards to any additional confidentiality precautions/requirements/measures relating to your specific role and follow any guidance issued.
- You must familiarise yourself and comply with the University’s Policies and Regulations, including the Intellectual Property Policy.A69Advice on your CV and covering letter as an NTU student Q67
Advice on your CV and covering letter as an NTU student
Advice and guidance can be found on Employability Online – check out the Application pages or the Unitemps page on Employability Online for lots of useful information and templates to help you with your CV and covering letter! For additional advice on this, please visit your Unitemps team.
Your Unitemps Questions Answered: Join our Info Sessions!
Click here to see our upcoming sessions.
Unitemps Team are here to support you to find paid, part-time work that fits alongside your studies. Working part-time can be a great way to develop your skills and experience, build confidence and meet new people.
If you are interested in working on campus at NTU, register with Unitemps and sign up for job alerts on your profile at We look forward to seeing you!
hired@UCB is the new Careers, Employability and Placements Service for students and alumni at University College Birmingham. Find out more about how they can help you develop your career.
The Working Time Regulations place limits on the average working hours that a worker can be required to do and place restrictions on rest breaks and annual leave. Please be aware that further restrictions apply to under 18 year olds and it is not possible to opt-out of these.
Maximum working hours
Under the Working Time Regulations, the average working week for a worker must not exceed 48 hours per week. This average is calculated across a 17 week reference period (which excludes periods of annual leave or time off due to illness) and includes:
- Job-related training
- Time spent travelling for workers who have to travel as part of their job
- Working lunches
- Time spent working abroad in some cases
- Paid and some unpaid overtime
- Time spent on call at the workplace
However, the following periods are not included in this average:
- Breaks when no work is done (for example lunch breaks)
- Normal travel to and from work
- Time on call away from the workplace
- Unpaid overtime a worker has volunteered for
- Paid or unpaid holiday
Workers aged 18 and over can opt out of these restrictions with Unitemps if they wish to. Under the regulations an employer is not permitted to discriminate against a worker if they do not wish to opt out.
Opting out can be done as either part of the registration process or by contacting the local Unitemps branch in writing. At least 7 days notice must be given in order to opt back in to the regulations.
Rest breaks
Workers are legally entitled to a:
- Rest break of 20 minutes when the working day is longer than 6 hours
- Minimum rest period of 11 consecutive hours every 24 hour period
- Minimum rest period of 24 consecutive hours every 7 days
Night work
Workers must not average more than 8 hours of night work in any 24 hour period.
Annual leave
Workers are entitled to a minimum of 5.6 weeks paid annual leave each year (28 days per year for a full time position). Workers who are AWR qualified may receive additional annual leave days to match the entitlement of comparable employees.
We are committed to ensuring that all activities undertaken whilst working on an assignment through Unitemps are carried out to the highest possible standards of health and safety. It is our foremost concern that all temporary workers remain safe and healthy and we will take all reasonable measures to ensure this. The Health & Safety Act 1974 places a responsibility upon everybody to protect the health and safety of themselves and others when carrying out any work activity. Please take a few minutes to read and familiarise yourself with this information. If you have any questions, or are unsure of anything, please contact your local Unitemps office.
It is important that you are familiar with the emergency procedures for your work area so that you can act appropriately should an emergency situation arise. If you are not provided with this when you start, ask your line manager for the emergency procedure for where you are working.
First Aid
Upon starting a new assignment, make sure you are aware of the designated first aiders and the procedure for reporting incidents.
It is essential that you understand how to act in the event of a fire.
If you discover a fire:
- Shout “Fire” and operate the nearest red break glass point.
- Alert the emergency services
If you hear an alarm in the building you are in:
- Evacuate immediately, calmly and safely.
- Always leave by the nearest exit.
- Go to the assembly point as directed. Do not linger in doorways as this only impedes the fire brigade and endangers you and other people.
- Never re-enter a building until you are told to do so, even if the alarms stop.
- Never assume it’s a false alarm. If the alarm sounds you must leave the building immediately.
Automatic fire detectors, warning systems and firefighting equipment are put in place for everybody’s safety. To interfere with such systems and related equipment is irresponsible.
Fire doors onto staircases and kitchens protect your escape route and should never be blocked or wedged open.
Incident Reporting
All accidents/incidents in the workplace must be reported. Upon starting a new assignment, make sure you are aware of the procedures for reporting incidents. If an incident happens to you, or to a person you are supervising, a report of the incident must be completed as soon as possible. It does not matter how trivial the incident might appear to be at the time, reporting it could help to prevent a more serious accident in the future. Please ensure that the management of the area are made aware of the incident as soon as possible.
Hazardous Areas
If you are working in a hazardous area it is important that you are aware of any additional precautions that you need to take to work safely.
There are four basic types of safety sign, each with specific meanings attributed to the different colour and shape of sign;
- Signs with a green background provide information and / or indicate a safe condition e.g. emergency exit.
- Signs with a blue background give mandatory instructions which must be complied with e.g. wearing of personal protective equipment.
- Red signs with a white background are prohibition signs which inform you that you must not do something e.g. no smoking sign.
- Black and yellow signs are used to give a warning of a particular hazard e.g. a wet floor sign.
It is important that you are able to recognise safety signs in the workplace and respond to them appropriately to ensure your own safety and the safety of others. In the event of a person potentially being exposed to a substance that poses significant hazard to health it is essential that:
- Staff assisting should take care that they are not themselves put at risk of exposure;
- Relevant decontamination of the person should be carried out;
- The person kept or moved to a place of safety such that they are not subject to further exposure nor present a risk to others; and
- Medical advice should be sought before they are moved from this place of safety.
If the affected persons are in obvious need of medical attention, the Ambulance Service should be called and provided with details.
If medical checks are being taken as a precautionary measure then the affected individual(s) should not be sent to A&E without informing A&E of the details of the exposure and checking with A&E that they are able to receive the individual(s).
Risk Assessments
An awareness of risk assessment is essential to safe working.
It is important that you are aware of the content of any risk assessments as this will inform you of what risks are involved and the control measures you need to have in place. This will then help you carry out your activity safely by reducing the risks to yourselves and anyone else.
It is your responsibility to familiarise yourself with relevant risk assessments within your area of work.
If you feel there is a significant risk that is not currently supported by a written risk assessment, please report this to the person responsible for the area or the H&S Adviser.
Safety Equipment / PPE
Equipment provided for your safety must be used appropriately.
The provision of safety equipment and in particular personal protective equipment (PPE) is sometimes called for as a necessary control to further reduce the risk of personal exposure or injury arising from an activity.
All organisations have a duty to provide any PPE that has been assessed as mandatory for the activity or task. Similarly where PPE is a mandatory requirement the temporary worker has a duty to wear the PPE appropriately and report any defects with the PPE to the person responsible for the work area or the Faculty H&S adviser. It is a criminal offence to interfere with or misuse any equipment intended for either your own safety, or the safety of others.
Access & Security
Upon starting your assignment, familiarise yourself with the procedures for gaining access to where you are working. If a card access system is used to control access to buildings and you are issued with a card, ensure you have this with you at all times.
Portable Electrical Equipment
Do not use portable electrical equipment unless it has a valid inspection label. Any piece of electrical equipment should have a label on it which details the date that the equipment was last tested and the date when the next test is due. If an item does not have a label on it then query this with your line manager.
Computer Workstations
If you are using a computer in your role take the time to set up your workstation properly to achieve a comfortable position at your desk.
The following points provide the main guidelines that you should consider when setting up your workstation:
- You should avoid sitting directly facing a window. Ideally your computer should be positioned at 90 degrees to the window.
- Your screen should be positioned in front of you, adjusted such that the top of the screen is approximately at eye level.
- You should avoid twisting your body in order to use the computer; set up your workstation to achieve a comfortable position in front of the computer.
- Adjust your computer chair such that your forearms are horizontal to the desk with your elbows at right angles. Keep your wrists flat and in a neutral position whilst avoiding resting your wrists on the desk during typing.
- When sitting, your legs should ideally be at 90 degrees and your feet should be flat on the floor or supported with a foot rest (as necessary).
- Computer chairs should have fully adjustable height, back support and seat tip.
The majority of DSE related problems are generated by computer users not adjusting their chair properly to achieve an appropriate supporting posture. If you share your workstation, you should consider your comfort each time you use the workstation, taking the time to make the necessary adjustments to achieve a comfortable working position.
Manual Handling
By applying the basic principles of safe handling you can significantly reduce the risk of injury from manual handling operations.
Any heavy labour or manual material handling can contribute to the risk of injury whilst on the assignment. Manual material handling entails lifting, climbing, pushing, pulling, and pivoting, all of which pose the risk of injury to the back.
Musculoskeletal disorders caused by manual handling work contribute to more than a third of the reportable cases of accidents reported to HSA each year. Musculoskeletal disorders often involve strains and sprains to the lower back, shoulders, and upper limbs. Tasks may involve bending and twisting, repetitive motions, carrying or lifting heavy loads, and maintaining fixed positions for a long time. Manual handling under these conditions can lead to injury, but considered ergonomic intervention can decrease that likelihood.
Lifting can strain the lumbar vertebrae when done improperly. To avoid this keep loads close to the body and near the person’s center of gravity, using diagonal foot positions, and move loads at waist height rather than directly from the floor.
Pushing is generally easier on the back than pulling and it is important to use both the arms and legs to provide the leverage to start the push.
When moving containers, handlers are safer when pivoting their shoulders, hips and feet with the load in front at all times rather than twisting their back. The lower back is not designed for repetitive twisting.
When climbing with a load, safe material handling includes maintaining contact with the ladder or stairs at three points (two hands and a foot or both feet and a hand). Bulky loads would require a second person or a mechanical device to assist.
Smoking is prohibited in any place of work under UK law. If you wish to smoke whilst on assignment, speak with your line manager to discuss when and where you will be able to do so. Persons wishing to smoke must do so in external areas. Smoking must take place away from building entrances in order to prevent smoke drifting back into the building.
Further Information
Don’t leave safety to chance. Take responsibility for your own safety, and the safety of others. If you see anything that you think could be dangerous tell your line manager immediately. We all share a responsibility for health and safety at work. If you have any health and safety queries that have not been included in this document please discuss these with your Unitemps office or the client.
Unitemps is committed to promoting equality of opportunity and embracing diversity in all areas of the business. We aim to ensure that all of our workplaces and services are free from unlawful discrimination and harassment.
As a signatory to the Recruitment and Employment Confederation Diversity Pledge, Unitemps embraces diversity and seeks to promote the benefits of diversity in our business activities. The culture of our business reflects this pledge.
Protected Characteristics and Discrimination
Unitemps seeks to treat everyone fairly and ensure that we do not directly or indirectly discriminate on the basis of any protected characteristics, defined under the Equality Act 2010 as:
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and civil partnership
- Pregnancy and maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
Unitemps will also not discriminate on the basis of:
- Nationality
- Political views
- Membership or non-membership of a trade union
- Spent criminal convictions
Unitemps seeks to ensure that our recruitment and selection activities avoid unlawful or unfair discrimination. We will not:
- Accept instructions from clients that indicate an intention to discriminate unlawfully
- Discriminate unlawfully when advertising jobs, by ensuring that our staff are trained to recognise potential discriminatory adverts and that they advise clients of more appropriate wording
- Discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate or temporary worker is submitted for an assignment, by ensuring that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with their merits, qualifications and ability to perform the required duties
- Discriminate unlawfully in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary workers
- Refuse or deliberately omit to provide services to certain groups of people with protected characteristics
Unitemps recognises that some groups and individuals may experience disadvantage and believes that as an employer and as a service provider, we have a role to play in tackling disadvantage. The company supports clients that wish to take positive action in recruitment and supports disabled candidates who require reasonable adjustments to enable them to apply for jobs and take up assignments.
Unitemps aspires to have a diverse workforce which broadly reflects the composition of the community, recognising that within our staff and clients, there are differences in needs, culture, background, preferences and values. These differences are welcomed for the richness of views, perceptions and experiences they bring to the business, from which everyone can learn. Unitemps is therefore committed to flexibility in our practices to encourage inclusion and support diversity.
Harassment policy and procedure
Unitemps is committed to securing a working environment for our temporary workers that is free from harassment, bullying and unlawful discrimination.
Unitemps expects clients to treat all temporary workers with dignity and respect and to take all steps in their control to prevent and deal with harassment in the workplace.
What is harassment?
The 2010 Equality Act defines harassment as “unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual”.
Harassment is unwanted, unsolicited or unwelcome behaviour or language that is offensive or intimidating to the recipient. In making judgements about harassment, it is the behaviour and its impact on the recipient, and not the intention of the perpetrator, that is important.
Examples of harassment
- Embarrassing, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, jokes or innuendo
- Unwelcome remarks about clothing or appearance
- Demands for sexual favours
- Electronic messages or electronic displays of sexually suggestive pictures and literature, including email
- Aggressive physical or verbal behaviour
- Persistent demeaning and downgrading through words or actions
- Inappropriate or derogatory remarks in connection with performance
- Bullying, defined as any offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour which, through the abuse or misuse of power, makes the recipient feel vulnerable, upset, humiliated and threatened (power includes both personal strength and the power to coerce others through fear or intimidation)
Dealing with harassment
Unitemps regards any incidents of harassment by, or against, its workers as unacceptable and will investigate and take appropriate action to resolve the situation. If the perpetrator is a Unitemps worker, he or she may have their assignment terminated and be removed from the Unitemps register. If the perpetrator is an employee of the client and the matter is not resolved satisfactorily, Unitemps may terminate the business relationship. If the Unitemps worker is the victim, clients are expected to promptly deal with the issue.
Informal procedure
Unitemps will encourage the victim to make it clear to the person causing offence that this behaviour is unacceptable to them. In some instances this may be sufficient to resolve the problem. However, if harassment persists after following this approach, or if such an approach is not possible or inappropriate (for example in cases of sexual harassment) the victim will be encouraged to record details of incidents and to make a formal complaint.
A Unitemps representative will offer to meet the victim to discuss the nature of the problem and the courses of action available. If the victim wishes to make a formal complaint, he or she should notify the Unitemps branch manager in writing, and a formal investigation will be launched.
Formal procedure
- Once a formal complaint has been received by Unitemps, an acknowledgement will be sent to the victim with the contact details of a nominated Unitemps representative, who will liaise with the victim during the investigation.
- If the harassment has occurred whilst the victim has been working for a Unitemps client, the branch manager will contact the client to ask that the complaint be fully investigated within a given timescale. Every effort will be made to deal with complaints with the minimum time delay.
- Each client will have its own harassment procedure and Unitemps would expect that procedure to be followed wherever practicable. Unitemps will seek to ensure that the investigation will be thorough, impartial and objective, and will be carried out with sensitivity and with due respect for the rights of all parties concerned.
- Unitemps will not expect the victim to continue in an assignment with a client whilst a case of harassment against them is being investigated. Wherever possible, Unitemps will continue to make alternative assignments available to the complainant.
- Unitemps will treat all parties with respect and all cases will be treated equally on the same basis regardless of job status or length of service.
- Once the investigation has been completed, any consequential action has been taken and the relevant Unitemps procedures have been followed, the Unitemps branch manager will send a formal response to the complainant.
Confidentiality is an important part of the procedures provided under this policy. Everyone involved in the operation of the policy, whether making a complaint or involved in any investigation, is responsible for observing the high level of confidentiality that is required.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Unitemps is committed to providing all of its customers with the best possible service at all times. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service we would like to hear from you as this will help us to improve our standards. If your complaint is related to a harassment or data protection issue then you should follow the complaints procedure in these policies:
Harassment Policy and Procedure
The majority of complaints about Unitemps’ services will be made informally to the relevant branch and will be immediately resolved to the individual’s satisfaction. On rare occasions, a complaint may be so complex or serious that it cannot be quickly resolved at local level. In these cases the formal complaints procedure applies. Where possible we will endeavour to respond within the timescales given below.
Formal complaints procedure
If your complaint has not been resolved informally please contact your local branch, your complaint will then follow the procedure below:
Stage 1
- Within 2 working days: The relevant Unitemps branch will log your complaint and send you an email acknowledgement confirming the details, and explaining what happens next.
- A manager carries out an investigation or refers the matter to the most appropriate person to deal with the complaint.
- A manager or the most appropriate person may meet with you if necessary to discuss the complaint further.
- Within 5 working days from the start of the investigation or meeting: A manager or the most appropriate person will email you a full written response to your complaint.
Stage 2
- If you are not satisfied, you can write to us again and your complaint will be escalated to a senior manager and highlighted to Head Office.
- The senior manager will review all the case material.
- Within 5 working days: The senior manager will email you confirming our final position on the complaint, explaining our reasons, and copying in the relevant branch manager.
Stage 3
- If you are still dissatisfied and the matter concerns the conduct of the business, Unitemps will advise you to contact the Employment Agencies Standards Office at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
If we have to change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
Unitemps is committed to providing all of its customers with the best possible service at all times. If you are not satisfied with any aspect of our service we would like to hear from you as this will help us to improve our standards. If your complaint is related to a harassment or data protection issue then you should follow the complaints procedure in these policies:
Harassment Policy and Procedure
The majority of complaints about Unitemps’ services will be made informally to the relevant branch and will be immediately resolved to the individual’s satisfaction. On rare occasions, a complaint may be so complex or serious that it cannot be quickly resolved at local level. In these cases the formal complaints procedure applies. Where possible we will endeavour to respond within the timescales given below.
Formal complaints procedure
If your complaint has not been resolved informally please contact your local branch, your complaint will then follow the procedure below:
Stage 1
- Within 2 working days: The relevant Unitemps branch will log your complaint and send you an email acknowledgement confirming the details, and explaining what happens next.
- A manager carries out an investigation or refers the matter to the most appropriate person to deal with the complaint.
- A manager or the most appropriate person may meet with you if necessary to discuss the complaint further.
- Within 5 working days from the start of the investigation or meeting: A manager or the most appropriate person will email you a full written response to your complaint.
Stage 2
- If you are not satisfied, you can write to us again and your complaint will be escalated to a senior manager and highlighted to Head Office.
- The senior manager will review all the case material.
- Within 5 working days: The senior manager will email you confirming our final position on the complaint, explaining our reasons, and copying in the relevant branch manager.
Stage 3
- If you are still dissatisfied and the matter concerns the conduct of the business, Unitemps will advise you to contact the Employment Agencies Standards Office at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy or the REC, the industry trade association, of which we are a member, by writing to the Consultancy and Compliance Team, REC, Dorset House, 1st Floor, 27 – 45 Stamford Street, London, SE1 9NT.
If we have to change any of the timescales above, we will let you know and explain why.
Complaints Policy and Procedure
What is a DBS check and why do I need one?
A DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check is a record of an individual’s convictions, cautions, reprimands and warnings and can also include intelligence held by the UK police that relates to that individual and their suitability for a position working with children and/or vulnerable adults.
DBS clearance is a mandatory requirement for certain roles that may involve contact with children or vulnerable adults.
Please note that an Enhanced DBS Check can include information on both spent and unspent convictions.
Certain minor and old offences will be filtered from DBS certificates, please visit the DBS guidance for further details.
Unitemps DBS process
- Register online with FirstAdvantage and complete their DBS application form:
You will receive an email from FADV First Advantage with details on how to apply for your DBS and what documents you will need. Unitemps will also send you an email with further information. Register an account online with FirstAdvantage and complete their application form. - Verify your identity documents
Once you have submitted your application you will need to contact Unitemps to arrange a face to face meeting at our offices to verify your identity documents, - Receive your certificate by post
Unitemps will not receive a copy of your certificate and the DBS do not issue replacements so keep your certificate safe. If the DBS is clear then we will book you into your assignment and send you a booking in email. If content has been disclosed on the certificate then we will contact you to arrange a meeting to discuss the content.
You will need DBS clearance and 2 written references before you can start working in a DBS role.
What ID documents do I need to provide for the check?
In order to support your DBS application you will need to provide at least 3 original items of identification. Please read the checklist for information what documents are acceptable.
Please ensure that at least one of these documents contains proof of the address you have added to First Advantage and your date of birth, and that all the documents you bring are originals.
If none of your ID documents show the address that you are currently living at
at university, but show your home address, you will need to put your home address as your current address on First Advantage. You then need to add your student address as a past address, stating the date that you left as this month.
Lived overseas:
If you have lived abroad or been travelling and visited more than one country, the details for each country you visited must be entered. It is possible for the dates you visited/lived in each country to overlap.
Can you accept photocopies or online statement?
Photocopies and documents downloaded from the internet are not acceptable, we have to check original documents If you receive online bank statements you can ask your bank to stamp and sign a printed statement.
How long does a DBS check take?
Once we have received your ID we will process your application. If there are no errors on your application or problems with the ID you have supplied your application will be sent to the DBS through the Online Disclosure (First Advantage) application system.
80% of Online Disclosures’ applications are complete within 14 days. Once the check is complete a certificate will be posted to you, which may take a few days.
Can I use a previous DBS check?
If you already have a DBS disclosure for a similar role obtained through Unitemps or the University of Warwick, or if you have a DBS disclosure from an external organisation which is registered with the Update Service, please contact us and we will advise you if you can use your existing disclosure.
- We will be unable to accept a previous check from Unitemps or the University of Warwick if the DBS disclosure will be over 3 years old when your assignment finishes and you have not signed up/ renewed your Update Service subscription
- If your DBS check was for a volunteer position we will be unable to accept this
- If your DBS is registered with the Update Service, the level of check, application position and workforce must match the position we are advertising in order to be accepted. You will also be asked to provide identification which matches the details on the disclosure
Is there a route for sensitive applications?
The DBS has a confidential checking process for transgender applicants who do not wish to reveal details of their previous identity to the person who asked them to complete an application form for a DBS check.
For further information please contact the DBS by:
- Sending an email to the DBS sensitive applications team (
- Telephoning 0151 676 1452
There is an answerphone service available for this number where you can leave your name and contact number and a member of the sensitive applications team will call you back. You should contact the DBS before submitting your application to us.
Please note: this number is for sensitive application enquiries only, please call the contact centre on 03000 200 190 for all other enquiries.
Do I need an overseas police check?
If you have spent time outside of the UK for 6 months or more in the last 5 years, you will need to complete an Overseas Police Check (or Certificate of Good Conduct) in addition to a DBS Enhanced Disclosure. Further information on how to obtain these checks can be found here:
What is the DBS Update Service and how do I sign up to it?
The DBS Update Service is a government service which allows an individual’s DBS Certificate to be kept up to date for as long as they are subscribed or until new information is added to the Certificate; enabling it to be taken from role to role, within the same workforce, where the same level of check is required.
You need to register for the Update Service and it costs £13 a year.
You can join the DBS Update Service once you have been issued an e-reference number or within 30 days of the DBS Certificate being issued.
Find out more and sign up to the DBS Update Service
What should I do if I acquire further convictions after my DBS check and whilst I am working for Unitemps?
You are obliged to notify Unitemps as soon as practicable in writing of any subsequent additions to your criminal record from the date of the disclosure from the Disclosure and Barring Service until the termination of your assignment.
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